
Mohair Coat Oversize Longhair Mohair HandKnitted Big Size by LanaKnittings



HandKnitted Long hair Mohair Coat

Size : One size

This marvelous Coat is made with the extra soft and silky yarn produced in Italy

This unique hand knitted Coat

made with the finest  Long Hair Mohair will make you feel special wherever you are. No one will have one like it because this Coat is one of a kind, every sweater I make

is unique.

Once you dress this Coat you will feel warm and protected and you´ll see how perfectly it fits. I put all my knowledge and soul in every Coat I make, all the years designing clothes go into every piece I create so all came out just perfect.


Body length: 132cm  52″

Chest width: 78cm  30,7″

Sleeve length   from the neck: 83cm  32,7″

About my Work:
All my Hand Knitted garments are made to very tight specifications, the measures are always true and perfect in terms of symmetry, this means that if you fold one of my sweaters or cardigans you will see the same angles, sleeve lengths and sleeve widths on both sides, this is important because this is the only way you will feel comfortable when you dress a sweaters or a jacket. Additionally there are design tricks and  knowledge I got along my career as a professional knitter that are always present in every garment I make and that you as my customer will surely appreciate and enjoy in a sweater or any other kind go knitted garment you buy from me.
About the Yarn:
There are some unique facts about the Mohair Yarn I use.
-This yarn is made in the United Kingdom and in Italy, not elsewhere…
-This yarn has a known composition and its mohair fibres content is very high (always above 80%)
-This yarn is manufactured according to EU regulations, this ensures that it is safe to use. (CE Marking)
-This yarn is soft and silky, no itching or harshness on your skin.
This is one of the reasons why garments made with this yarn have to be more expensive than garments made with yarns produced in Turkey, India or China.
My compromise:
Every hand knitted garment I make is only finished when I feel its perfect, I´d rather spend another day perfecting seams and details than sending a less than perfect garment to a customer in the other side of the world!
As you can see from my listings I also do custom made jobs to customers own measures and specifications, to do this kind of job I just need an image, a brief description and a set of measures that I´ll tell you how to take.
All questions are welcome.
Hope to see you with one of my creations!